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Before coming to bet9官网app下载 and beginning their studies at AEI, 学生必须考虑住房, Transportation, and local businesses that can support all their basic needs. Our 学生生活 can assist with referrals to help students to adjust to their new home in bet9官网app下载.



AEI does not currently offer on-campus housing. However, we do provide housing resources for our students. The locations are relatively close to the school and offer easy access to bet9官网app下载’s public Transportation system. Depending on how long a student intends to study with us, the following options are available. The estimated costs are provided for budgetary purposes and are subject to change.

Some choose to stay with American families while they are studying here. AEI的合作伙伴 bet9官网app下载住宿, a trusted company that places students in American homes in the bet9官网app下载 area, and the 美国民宿网络, the world's most experienced international student homestay network company. Students that utilize homestay housing are able to easily experience American culture and enhance their English skills outside of their classes at AEI. 提供膳食和交通. 费用从每周150美元到350美元不等.

Some students have friends or family here and will choose to stay with them while studying at bet9官网app下载bet9九州app下载.

Some students will choose to stay in a hotel until they can visit a few apartment complexes or meet some of their new classmates to see if there is a roommate opportunity. 学校附近有以下酒店:
      •Clarion Inn

Some choose to live in an extended stay hotel for longer than a few days. AEI is partnered with Extended Stay America to develop discounted pricing for students ($210 and up weekly).

Some students rent a house or apartment before traveling here so they have somewhere to go as soon as they enter the US ($500 – $1,每月500).

There are several resources available to help students locate the best rental property for their situation. AEI has partnered with PROMOVE, a realtor service for finding Apartments in the bet9官网app下载 area.

Some students will want to find a roommate to share housing costs with. To connect with another student at AEI, contact the 学生生活 Coordinator.

了解更多关于住房的信息, 住房供应, 还有可能和室友有联系, please speak to the 学生生活 Coordinator in the main office.


机动性非常重要. There is a lot to explore in bet9官网app下载 when you are not in the classroom. There are several options available when it comes to determining Transportation.

Some students will choose to utilize public Transportation during their stay in bet9官网app下载. A few common options here in bet9官网app下载 include using:
      • bet9官网app下载捷运局(MARTA)
      • CobbLinc
      • 格威内特县Transportation公司
      • 出租车服务
      • 超级

Some students will choose to rent a car once they have obtained a US driver’s license. Here are some car rental places near the school:
      • 企业租车
      • 快速和EZ租车
      • 安飞士租车
      • 赫兹租车
      • 美元汽车出租公司
      • 廉价汽车和卡车租赁

Some students may choose to purchase a new or used car to use while they are studying in bet9官网app下载. Here are links to some car dealerships and used car lots near the school:
      • 汽车嘉年华
      • Amigo汽车销售
      • Buyavette
      • 汽车最大
      • 雷克萨斯bet9官网app下载
      • 轩尼诗福特林肯
      • 吉姆·埃利斯马自达
      • 吉尔·埃利斯雪佛兰
      • 世界丰田
      • 艾德·沃勒斯Kia

学生服务, we provide daily shuttle to/from the MARTA Doraville Station and Chestnut at Buford Highway. 请参阅学校班车时间表.


There are several grocery store options near the school. Come talk with the 学生生活 Coordinator about which stores are in your area. 学校附近的一些商店包括:
      • 克罗格
      • Publix超市
      • 利昂国际食品公司
      • 阿尔迪
      • Las Americas熟食店 & 杂货店
      • 超级超市

Our 学生生活 can provide insight and recommendations regarding restaurants of all levels and food genres. A few restaurant options near the school include:
      • 麦当劳
      • DQ烧烤 & 寒冷
      • 华夫格的房子
      • El Taco Veloz
      • Tempo Doeloe印尼菜
      • 巴黎面包
      • 地中海面包店
      • 红色的 & 绿色巴西牛排馆

to continue exploring the areas supported by the


bet9官网app下载 has all four seasons – spring, summer, fall, and winter. Make sure you pack all clothing types for your stay.

学生生活 can make recommendations as to the types of shopping available to you including Perimeter Mall, 精品商店, 部门的商店, 和其他零售店.

to continue exploring the areas supported by the




While our instructors are all native speakers, we have several staff members that come from different countries. This means that when a student first contacts the school, someone will likely be able to communicate with them in their native language. This helps us provide the best service for students who desired to master English. We understand and have compassion for our students as they come to AEI for learning.
